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Update jersey monorepo to v2.43

Renovate requested to merge renovate/jersey-monorepo into develop

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
org.glassfish.jersey.inject:jersey-hk2 (source) 2.41 -> 2.43 age adoption passing confidence
org.glassfish.jersey.containers:jersey-container-jetty-http (source) 2.41 -> 2.43 age adoption passing confidence (source) 2.41 -> 2.43 age adoption passing confidence
org.glassfish.jersey.ext:jersey-entity-filtering (source) 2.41 -> 2.43 age adoption passing confidence
org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey-common (source) 2.41 -> 2.43 age adoption passing confidence


Some dependencies could not be looked up. Check the warning logs for more information.

Release Notes

eclipse-ee4j/jersey (org.glassfish.jersey.inject:jersey-hk2)


Compare Source

[Pull 5574] - Backing up CI/CD jobs into the Jersey project [Pull 5580] - Adopt ASM 9.7 [Pull 5592] - Micrometer - Add missing metrics for cases of client errors [Pull 5604] - Prevent Jackson failing while loading Modules (classloader issues) [Pull 5605] - Cleaning redundant plugins from plugin management [Pull 5606] - clean CI/CD scripts from the main project [Pull 5608] - ObjectMapper.findModules throws Error [Pull 5613] - Allow the internal package to be a part of the Jersey APIDoc [Pull 5614] - Added support for HK2 factories, binders to comply with documentation. [Pull 5617] - Allow for overriding the SNIHostName or turn it off. Allow for Domain Fronting. [Pull 5621] - Add ability to configure the queue capacity for ChunkedOutput [Pull 5622] - Document a workaround for HTTP Patch & provide tests [Pull 5624] - Ensure the RequestScope and other singleton bindings are registered just once [Pull 5625] - align with Eclipse actual requirements [Pull 5627] - Prevent NPE in Jersey Spring RequestContextFilter [Pull 5628] - Lazy Load TracingLogger to track MATCH_RESOURCE_METHOD [Pull 5629] - prevent synchronized blocking the virtual threads in JDK21 [Pull 5631] - 2.x versions update [Pull 5632] - Multirelease includes JDK21 to support Thread.isVirtual() [Pull 5633] - Excluding JDK21 multi-release from jaxrs bundle


Compare Source

[Pull 5469] - Allow @​Priority for ExceptionMapper [Pull 5473] - SameSite is capital first letter only. [Pull 5475] - RegularExpression in Uri Template IS NOT optional [Pull 5487] - Prevent Netty connection from being stuck [Pull 5493] - [2.x] backport of the #​5490 [Pull 5506] - Adopt Jackson 2.16.1 [Pull 5507] - prevent NPE when WebAppException#getResponse returns null [Pull 5511] - Add URL of KeyStore and TrustStore to SslConfigurator [Pull 5514] - ASCII encode ContentDisposition file name [Pull 5536] - Add Apache5 properties to be grabbed by config [Pull 5537] - Put duplicated methods into a common superclass [Pull 5542] - Propagate Future.cancel() to connectors [Pull 5544] - Add a logger for a request notifying Jersey Container is involved [Pull 5557] - Drop JDK 7 profile [Pull 5560] - [2.x] versions update [Pull 5561] - [2.x] GitHub action validations added


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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by Christian Hoesel

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