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Update jersey monorepo to v2.41

Renovate requested to merge renovate/jersey-monorepo into develop

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
org.glassfish.jersey.inject:jersey-hk2 (source) 2.40 -> 2.41 age adoption passing confidence
org.glassfish.jersey.containers:jersey-container-jetty-http (source) 2.40 -> 2.41 age adoption passing confidence (source) 2.40 -> 2.41 age adoption passing confidence
org.glassfish.jersey.ext:jersey-entity-filtering (source) 2.40 -> 2.41 age adoption passing confidence
org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey-common (source) 2.40 -> 2.41 age adoption passing confidence


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Release Notes

eclipse-ee4j/jersey (org.glassfish.jersey.inject:jersey-hk2)


Compare Source

[Pull 5294] - HTTP/2 for Jetty connector [Pull 5296] - HTTP/2 for Jetty container [Pull 5350] - Using Java7+ NIO API for improved performance [Pull 5359] - Race condition [Pull 5364] - Save time by not inspecting configuration for property when in PropertiesDelegate [Pull 5365] - Update war.plugin to work with jdk 21 [Pull 5373] - Issue #​3493 - backport BeanParams support from 3.x [Pull 5378] - GraalVM 20.0.1 adaptation [Pull 5379] - RFC 6570 implementation [Pull 5387] - Encode curly brackets in proxy client [Pull 5390] - update license check plugin to the latest released version [Pull 5391] - Added jersey-micrometer module [Pull 5392] - Fix nio failures on Windows [Pull 5393] - Deprecate duplicated methods and fields in MBR/MBW [Pull 5394] - Allowing using SSLContext supplier per request by the NettyConnector [Pull 5405] - Prevent Class Cast Exception in cases where two classloaders handle t… [Pull 5410] - Jetty HTTP2 modules added to the bom/pom.xml [Pull 5412] - Netty Expect:100-continue feature support [Pull 5417] - Fix normalizing URIs with percent encoded symbols [Pull 5418] - ApiDocs fixes [Pull 5423] - Filter headers for netty HTTP redirect and CONNECT requests [Pull 5424] - Fix Jackson 15 -> Jackson 2.15 [Pull 5426] - Propagate back-pressure correctly in MP REST Client SSE publisher [Pull 5427] - UserGuide and example extended for Micrometer integration [Pull 5431] - Expect:100-continue fixes for Netty [Pull 5432] - Decode extended filename in multipart content-disposition [Pull 5435] - Fixing servlet ResponseWriter#writeResponseStatusAndHeaders for error states [Pull 5436] - Support multipart by Jetty & Netty [Pull 5440] - Adopt ASM 9.6 [Pull 5442] - Review Netty Connector [Pull 5443] - proper way of removing a handler (Netty Connector, Expect100ContinueHandler) [Pull 5444] - ApiDocs bundle fix [Pull 5445] - Fix query param in UriBuilder


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